PPA podczaszy pracownia architektury
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Public use
Landscape architecture
Public spaces
Market Square in Jędrzejów
Cemetery for small animals in Szczecin
Market Square in Zmigrod
Development of a fragment of Konstytucji 3 Maja square in Radom
Maria Konopnicka square in Suwalki
Urban planning and architecturac concept design of Wolny square in Cracow
Urban planning and architectural concept design of Plac Nowy in Cracow
Competition for elaboration of concept design for redevelopment of gen. J. Bem square in Ostoleka
Revitalization of sw. Michal Square, Pilsudskiego, Grzegorza, Walowa, Kazimierza Wielkiego streets in Sanok
Development of space between blocks of flats by Konstytucji 3-go Maja in Staszow
Revalorization of Bien Park in Staszow
Cracow Beach – development of part of Wolynskiego boulevard in Cracow
Area development of high school complex in Lochow
Development of land after former military unit for city square in Pulawy
Revitalization of space between blocks of flats in Legnica
Market Square in Jędrzejów
Cemetery for small animals in Szczecin
Market Square in Zmigrod
Development of a fragment of Konstytucji 3 Maja square in Radom
Maria Konopnicka square in Suwalki
Urban planning and architecturac concept design of Wolny square in Cracow
Urban planning and architectural concept design of Plac Nowy in Cracow
Competition for elaboration of concept design for redevelopment of gen. J. Bem square in Ostoleka
Revitalization of sw. Michal Square, Pilsudskiego, Grzegorza, Walowa, Kazimierza Wielkiego streets in Sanok
Development of space between blocks of flats by Konstytucji 3-go Maja in Staszow
Revalorization of Bien Park in Staszow
Cracow Beach – development of part of Wolynskiego boulevard in Cracow
Area development of high school complex in Lochow
Development of land after former military unit for city square in Pulawy
Revitalization of space between blocks of flats in Legnica
Market Square in Jędrzejów
project: 2015
client: Municipality of Jędrzejów
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